Its division into segments makes the fair easy for visitors to navigate, thus saving both time and effort. Each segment is targeted at a specific part of the furniture trade, from contemporary pieces to bedroom comfort. An efficient trade fair visit is guaranteed. And if you save time, you can discover more!
Hip & trendy, the sleek style of urban living
City · hall 3/4/5

Contemporary design
Three halls packed with trendy, contemporary furniture and seating.

Modern lifestyle
Seating comfort, living room and bedroom furniture for a modern lifestyle: sofas, reclining armchairs and corner sofas with contemporary levels of comfort. Dining rooms, tables and chairs, bedrooms, and hip wardrobe ranges for today’s citizens of the world.

Leading international manufacturers
A selection of the best European manufacturers with a strong appeal from the broad mid-market segment. The big players are joined by smaller manufacturers that offer the perfect complement to your range.